I wrote a few of these myself, I picked up some of them from elsewhere on the net. In any case, this is what it would look like in your text editor, just don't try and cut & paste this file directly into your .exrc, download this file instead.
" Display the current editor mode and a ''modified'' flag. set showmode " Note matching ``{'' and ``('' for ``}'' and ``)'' characters. set showmatch " Display a row/column ruler on the colon command line. set ruler " set ignorecase " set tabstop=4 " set directory=/var/tmp " these are self explainitory map =i :r $HOME/.include.headers map == :r $HOME/.separator map =s :r ~/.signature " goes to the next file in a multi-file vi session map , :n^M " removes this file from the multi-file vi session map =dd :!rm %^M:n^M " write out this file, go to the next one map =w :w:n^M " prints out today's day into the file map =t :r!date +\%y\%m\%d\%t\%T " similar, but uses discordian date format: map =d :r!ddate +'Today is \%{\%A, the \%e day of \%B\%} in the YOLD \%Y, \%.\%N\%nCelebrate \%H'^M " this should convert whitespace on tabstops to actual tabs " given that things line up on tapstops map =T :%!unexpand -a^M " convert '> > >' type quoted replies to be '>>> ' map =q mx:.,$s/> />/g^M'x:.,$s/>\([^>]\)/> \1/^M'x " C-style comments out the current line map =C ^i/* ^[$A */^[ " this will format a paragraph to 65 columns " map F {!}fmt -65^M} " par(1) formats quoted text too " requires some setup " from tha par(1) manpage: " export PARINIT='rTbgqR B=.,?_A_a Q=_s>|' map F {!}par ^M} " This will center the current line. " see the page http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/gdh/vi/ for info on this one map =c 0>>d0:co.^Mk:s/./x/g^M40A x^[079lD:s/x//g^MJ " right-justify this line map =L 0>>d0:co.^Mk:s/./x/g^M65A ^[065lD:s/x//g^MJ " invoke ispell on the current file map V :w!^M:!/usr/local/bin/ispell -x % ^M:e!^M^M " set autoindentBack to BLSOFT